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January 26 – March 4, 2023

Memorial for Laptop

Suhyun Choi

The public is invited to donate their broken personal devices and write loving farewell letters to acknowledge their relationships

April 9 – May 15, 2022

C.R.E.A.M.: A career fair for more than just survival


Assembly collaborated with Performance Artist Ayana Evans for C.R.E.A.M. (Cash Rules Everything Around Me): A career fair for more than survival

September 7–October 19, 2021

Dana’s Beauty Supply

Dana Davenport

Dana’s Beauty Supply constructs an experimental beauty supply store and hair gel manufacturing lab.

May 4–June 15, 2021

Untitled (Incall)

Sophia Giovannitti

Untitled (Incall) interrogates the material overlap between the art and sex industries to address the ambivalent labor identity of cultural producers.

February 14–April 6, 2019

$200 From… To… -With Love

Lizania Cruz

$200 From… To… -With Love a participatory art project focused on remittances, the money migrant send to their homelands.

June 7–August 14, 2018

Harris & Daughter Home Goods

Ilana Harris-Babou

Harris and Daughter Home Goods will transform Recess into a hardware store, cooking show set, showroom, and interrogation of the American Dream.

May 3–June 2, 2018


Manuel Molina Martagon

EL RECREO will turn Recess into a home base for restaurant workers, with diverse programming addressing current issues faced by the food service.

November 3–December 23, 2017

A Ponemos Chancla

Troy Michie

A Ponemos Chancla is an installation that simulates a men’s formalwear shop to explore camouflage, the semiotics of fashion.

September 8–October 28, 2017

The Service Room

Maayan Strauss

The Service Room is a project that will create a unique environment and framework for the communal exchange of services.

January 3–March 4, 2017

You Never Know What Idea You Might Have

Motoko Fukuyama

A two-month project that will forge links between Recess and Argo Electronics, located on Canal Street one block away from our storefront.

July 2–August 29, 2015

Small Town Sex Shop

Katherine Hubbard and Savannah Knoop

Hubbard and Knoop will explore connotations of production through a synthesis of clothing-making, sculpture and installation.

May 1–June 30, 2012


Andy Meerow and Rose Marcus

Marcus and Meerow will address specific economic conditions that inform their collaboration and autonomous creative practices in New York City