April 2–May 6, 2022
The Motion Picture Association for Maintaining Personal Ambivalence
Rashayla Marie Brown and Jamila Raegan
RMB will fashion the Session into an independent filmmaking space where audiences can alter the traumatic endings of movies they want to love.
Opens March 15, 2025
CUNTRY: Always the Horse, Never the Jockey
Cleo Reed
A set of musical works, sculptures, and performances working to protest against the demand of labor and productivity in the US.
January 13–March 4, 2022
Rowan Renee
A Common Thread will transform Recess into a collaborative weaving studio that explores craft.
Opens November 13, 2025
Anna RG
An experimental research, development, and community space exploring and supporting Sick Listening and Music
February 2021
Ever Present and in Process: Breathing and Grieving With Ogemdi Ude and Sydney King
Jehan Roberson