August 17–October 12, 2013
Jacolby Satterwhite
Satterwhite will create a 3D animated video using drawing, CG animation, and improvised and mediated performance.
August 7–October 6, 2013
Elizabeth Orr
For Circular Track, Orr will research the ways in which choreographed movement constructs narrative.
March 26–May 25, 2013
Melissa Dubbin and Aaron S. Davidson
Dubbin and Davidson will create new works influenced by the geometries of sound.
October 22, 2012–January 18, 2013
Alina Tenser
For Holistic Approach, Tenser will create a series of sculptures, images and videos that begin with her body and extend into new, related forms.
March 27–June 12, 2010
Kara Hearn
Hearn will complicate the roles of spectator and performer, inviting visitors to play an active part in the construction of a 60-90 minute video.