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June 3–August 2, 2014

Ruka (To braid/ to knit/ to weave)

Nontsikelelo Mutiti

Mutiti will play the role of the artist, designer, and researcher to a space for the study and practice of hair braiding.

March 25–May 26, 2014

Metabolic Morphology

Nina Horisaki-Christens and Takashi Horisaki

The main component of Metabolic Morphology will take the form of a semi-modular installation of cast colored latex and vacuum-formed plastic elements

January 8–March 22, 2014


Liz Magic Laser

Bystander will be developed at Recess through a series of interviews conducted by journalists and actors with members of the public.

January 2014

Critical Writing

Ann Chen and Owen Roberts

December 2013


Thomas J. Lax

October 22–December 21, 2013


Courtesy the Artists

“Trad.” is an abbreviation of “traditional,” which is listed instead of an author on folk recordings when the work’s origin is unknown.

October 11–November 11, 2013


Molly Lowe

HANDS OFF invites artists to use Recess’s public space as studio, exhibition venue and grounds for experimentation.

October 2013

Return is a Shift

Clara Halpern

October 2013

A Love Jones

Nicole J. Caruth

August 17–October 12, 2013

Grey Lines

Jacolby Satterwhite

Satterwhite will create a 3D animated video using drawing, CG animation, and improvised and mediated performance.

August 7–October 6, 2013

Citizen Bridge

Nancy Nowacek

Nowacek will design, create and test a series of prototypes for an eventual footbridge that crosses the Upper New York Bay waterway.

August 7–October 6, 2013

Circular Track

Elizabeth Orr

For Circular Track, Orr will research the ways in which choreographed movement constructs narrative.

Jun3 2013

Ideas Gap

Angela Conant

May 2013

Speaking Volumes

G Douglas Barrett

March 26–May 25, 2013

Seeing Voice The Seven-Tone Color Spectrum

Christine Sun Kim

Christine Sun Kim will initiate a conversation led by seven presenters, all of whom will give a lecture without using audible voice.

March 26–May 25, 2013

Volumes for Sound

Melissa Dubbin and Aaron S. Davidson

Dubbin and Davidson will create new works influenced by the geometries of sound.

February 15–April 26, 2013

Eyes as Big as Plates

Riitta Ikonen and Karoline Hjorth

Ikonen and Hjorth will create costumes, settings, and performance programs for senior residents of New York

January 7–March 9, 2013

We Buy White Albums

Rutherford Chang

Chang will create an archive, listening library, and anti-store to house and grow his collection of the Beatles’ iconic record.